Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Ideal!

Now, I am a senior. I have been thinking of all the college I would want to attend. Also, I have been wondering if dorm life is for me. There are many factors in just these two categories alone, so it can be a hard decision. I want to make the one just right for me. One of my prospective colleges is the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY (since I live in Kentucky). It has a beautiful campus with many wonderful academic offers. It has all the majors I  am considering and is just far enough away from home. It has both the busy, city life and a country, home feel. I think I would fit in nicely at any college, but UK is great. Plus, basketball season should be awesome!.:) Lexington,KY  has much to offer as a city. It has a new convention center, the old store/restaurants, and many horses (I need a new hat for The or blue?). This city defiantly represents a lot of what Kentucky is. If, I decide that living with a bunch of college girls is too much to handle (not looking forward to sharing a bathroom...ew) I may have to consider an apartment... But living in an apartment, off campus, on a college budget maybe a little hard. I need a place close to campus, but too close that don't feel like a real adult. I want to be able to drive around and be able to have a job in town(maybe serve coffee....mhmm...). So, all in all it would have to be affordable and close to downtown. So, like any other teenager I hopped on in Internet to see what Google could offer. Right off the bat a bazillion hits pop up (exaggeration)! But still by the time I was on the 2nd page I found This website is amazing! You simply click on the state you want to live in, then the city, and then a list of apartments come up. Including pictures, layouts, expenses, and all amenities. I found exactly what I want in an apartment. It is 15 minutes from campus, right on the edge of downtown, and is in a living apartment community. It has a pool, wi-fi, fitness center, and a place to wash my car. I mean this apartment even has a freakin' fountain!!!!! The actual apartment has a sundeck (can you say party?), washer/dryer, fire place (s'mores), and garages. It comes fulling furnished and has plenty of space. I would love to live here! It is simple, yet I totally live on my own and feel totally connected to the campus. In short, help me find my ideal apartment.:D

Pool and Community area
Bedroom, Living Room, and Kitchen


Monday, May 9, 2011

What does your name mean?

Everyone wants to know how they got their name or what it means? Well, my name is Kaitlin Elizabeth Bash. My parents picked my first name, because it was different and my mom has always thought it was really pretty. But the spelling is different and that is what my mom wanted. My middle name came from my mom has the same middle as me. My last name, well you know, came from my dad. But what do the names me...Kaitlin means pure from Irish origin. Elizabeth means an oath (promise) of God from Hebrew origins. Bash means forerunner and from African origins. So, I am a pure promise of God who goes ahead or follows of someone. Sound like me??? I sure don't know. I think it is cool to know what your name means. Like God showed it to your parents and knew what it meant. It is so cool! So, find out what your name means.

When did White Days become Boring?

Here is my schedule for the year...
White Day: Pre-Calculas, Sociology, Spanish 3, and Study Hall
Blue Day: Biology, APUSH, English, and Chours
You are probably thinking why would a high schooler complain about having easy, do nothing classes. Well, White days started out pretty full and productive. But now, I sit there and think of something I could be doing. I finish Math or save it for Study Hall. Then, we do absolutly nothing for Sociology. I don't learn a thing. I wish it was actually made interesting to me. Spanish 3, well if you have it then you understand. I never have homework (which is nice), but I feel like the whole day is a waste of my time. I could actually be doing something. But I never get a break when it comes to Blue days, I don't think I ever will. Right now APUSH is fine. We will be watching movies (productive). But Biology is a wurl wind of stuff to do and English is constantly moving. But it has slowed down with at least all the stuff we have for homework. But I can't be bored. I have to move, read, work, or something to feel like I actually went to school for a reason. Do you know what I mean???

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What happened to the years?

What happened to the years where our lives did not depend on everything we did in or out of school? Can I not just be a kid? Not anymore. I am going to be 18 in a couple days. I will turn into that adult, ending what I know of being a teenagers. I can vote.I can leave and be on my own. No one can legally tell me what to do (even though I will not be doing that). I am on of the old people in my class. I will graduate at 19 while some will still be 17. I have always been that way, ever since 1st grade. I can not explain how it feels to be older than everyone else. I know it is not a huge deal, but I have always been mentally more mature than others. I feel like I get along better with college students than I do with students at school. I like being an older sister to younger students. I guess being older has the benefits of you can say you have already done this or that. But sometimes you feel like you do not belong. Like you are not smart enough or good enough to be in your grade, so let's put you in a lower grade that you can do alright in. But you learn to fit in, especially after so long. But all the years I have been in school, so many things have changed. I can believe how different everything and everyone is. It is hard to wrap my mind around the thought that I am about to be an adult and yet being a teenager was only so long ago. We always dream about of future and what we are going to do in life. We prepare and take all measures to make sure the future is set out how we want it. But now all I want is to relive all my young years again. To be a kid.


Humans, we all have feelings. We all deal with them differently too. I know that I have friends who express them like a waterfall, or take them out through their actions. But I personally hide them. I hide them very well too. But sometimes I can let them all out and everyone will have to know I have something wrong. So, I encourage others to tell what is on their mind. Write it out, yell, or talk to yourself. These things work. Express yourself, you do not have to your feelings when people want to know and help. Get an accountability partner who will get you through. Feelings are hard to express sometimes, but you can do it. Just talk, tell what you feel. If you do not know quite yet, just talking about the situation can help you figure out what you feel. So do not be shy, try it out.

Monday, April 25, 2011


We all have a favorite. Weather it is a favorite shirt, color, food, or person. I know I favor the colors blue and green. I favor my best friend Lacey. I favor tigers. I favor jeans and a t-shirt any day of the week. But what if you have a topic like movies and you can't think of just one favorite. Or even something like ice-cream. I have tons of movies and I could eat ice-cream all the time. Sometimes I can not see how someone can always have a favorite, no matter what the topic. But some people are picky and can easily decide. There are many things to have a favorite of like a song, a funny word/phrase, animals, books, actors/actress, etc. The list could go on forever. Luckily we do not have to name them all, we just know how to figure it out. Sometimes we do not even have a good reason, we just know that is what we like better than everything else. I know I ask people a lot about "Who is your favorite on American Idol?" or "What is your favorite hairstyle for Prom?" People have preferences and favorites that make us each different, but yet some of us are the same.


The World Wide Web or the Internet. We use it constantly for many different reasons. I know my last blog was about email, but I have no other ideas for a blog and Mrs. Matthews happened to have one about the Internet, so here I am. The Internet can be great sometimes. It has everything you need to know. Like for history projects I can look up any war and instantly (unless you have dial-up). Then I can compare it to other sights and research to find exactly the right information. It is a good way to get yourself out there. You can become famous just by Youtube, or have your business Googed or Binged for anyone to find if they are near by. The Internet can also be very frustrating. Because there are a lot of Internet glitches or problems were servers go out. People also put very bad things on the Internet that no one should see. But everyday the Internet is used. Most get on more than 1, more like 50 times a day. Most Americans spend all their time on the Internet doing all sorts of different things. Downloads, emails, search engines, pictures, or just to find simple website information. Well, there you have it the World Wide Web.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"You've got mail."

Emails. We all get them, we all have at least one account. So who are you emailing? I email friends, teachers, I used it for websites, or college information. I like to keep up with my email, I never know when something important might be in there. I take time out of my day to email and remind myself of different events. I like to email and keep up with all the news that are happening with friends or school. Emails can be very important or just as informational as "What are you doing?" "I don't know..." "What are you doing?" But even though sometimes we do not know what to say, we always find something else to do or send to someone else.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When I was a kid...

When I was a kid I always wanted to have fun. I loved being with friends and pretending we were someone else on the playground. I had a very active imagination. I would go to my mom's classroom (she taught kindergarten) and would go outside to her sand box. I would play for a really long time with all the dinosaur bones or sand castle makers. I loved just feel the sand and the breeze. I would stay there until my mom was ready to go home. Sometimes my mom taught about space to her kids and she had a rocket ship in her room. It was made from a laundry basket or two and a some boxes. It was amazing!!! I would play there for hours. My mom shared a room with another teacher and sometimes she taught about Indians. She had a tepee for her class. It was huge and had drawings on the inside. I also went to a friend's house once and we would play pirates on his play set, then we would watch Star Wars or listen to 'N Sync. I loved just being active and playing pretend. I learned to have fun and be nice to everyone. When watching all the Disney movies growing up there was always a good and bad guy. But even though the bad guy tried to get rid of the good guy, the good guy always won and was nice to everyone. The good guy always made peace through out the country. I loved child hood memories.:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


How do you relax? Well, it may sound a little nerdy, but I read a book or magazine when I am stressed. I am always stressed now a days, because I never get the opportunity to read. I love books. It is my favorite pass time to read. I love fiction, wishing I was inside the book doing everything the characters do. I love to imagine myself as someone else, doing something way more exciting then my life has ever really been. I live in Owensboro for crying out loud. There is nothing to really do here. I have always wanted to travel, to just do something exciting where ever I go. Books are my escape and reason to be everything I am not in reality. I talk to people about books and get excited when someone is about to read a book I have read. It is my exciting adventure. But when I finish the book and have to face reality I feel much better about things. Like everything is more clear. I can look at all sides and situations with the clarity of knowing I can get through it all. Just like the character in my book did. So relaxation is a joy for me in more than one way.:)

Monday, March 14, 2011

To those who are hurting, I send you this poem....

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...
Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light...
The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love. 
Jesus loves everyone. If you ever need someone to talk to he is always there for you. He forgives you of all your sins and cares for all your needs. He wants to be your Father and love you as his child.


Seconds, Minutes, Hours
How the time flies
Days, Weeks, Months
 Where does it all go?
We spend our time
Falling in love, hanging around,
Crying our eyes out,
Making mistakes
And finding who we really are.
 We have friends who help through
The love, pain
Tears, laughter,
And falls.
We pick ourselves up
And do it again
But when we fall we lose time.
We lose the chance to
Actually get it right.
We will keep trying
Till we get it right
When that will be I will
Never know.
It’s a process that no one
Really understands.
Time well fly by
And we will never know where
It really goes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who am I?

All people are looked at in a different light, because everyone has their own opinions of people. I know I try to look at people and try to find the good in them. I want to think everyone is innocent and have good morals/values for their life. I like being around people. But what do people see in me? What do I want people to see? Do people even notice what I like about me? Well, here is a list about just plain old me. What I want to be notice (or liked to be noticed for):
1. That I am nice to everyone.
2. That I care about more others than myself.
3. I love God and his children.
4. I am smart and know more than people think.
5. I have good intentions and a good heart that others can confine in.
6. That I do not just look at one side of the story, but I look at everyones point of view.
7. That I have beautiful long hair and blue eyes.
8. I am a hard worker and always try my best.
9. I stand out in a crowd. I am not like everyone else or do what everyone is doing.
10. That I have fun and love to smile.:)
That is who I think I am, but what do you think?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

icky, sicky bug

I hate being sick. There is nothing more than laying on a bed not being able to move and just moaning throughout the whole afternoon. If I could prevent all kinds of sickness from entering my body I would. Now, I do not get sick very often. I hardly ever go to the nurse or have to visit my doctor. I can usually avoid most illnesses, but not this weekend. I did everything I could to avoid being sick this past weekend. I drank lots of water, got enough sleep, and ate rather healthy. But I could not stop the icky, sicky bug from entering. I tried to fihgt it, but I could do nothing. It was in me and was not about to leave without a fight. I tried to keep it at bay to a least make it through with some sanity, but as the weekend ended my body was done. I could no longer fight it on my own. I layed in bed defeated. Done. Finished. Even though the doctor gave me medicine my body was still in awful place. I was so afrid to move, because of the fear of pain. Your parents try to make it all better, but sometimes there is nothing really they can do. So I waited....and today I can say things are much better. I am a little behind, but that is better than being on my bed at home with that icky, sicky bug.

Friday, March 4, 2011


We all dream. We have different dreams about things like falling off cliffs, people dying, or walking in around in our underwear. When I go to bed I am usually worried about something or waiting for a certain day to come. I have the dreams that always turn out bad. Something always goes wrong in my dreams. They are not so much nightmares, even though I have those too, but they are more like bad predictions. I have good dreams that make me feel good about myself, but most are me being a worry-wart. I usually in my dreams freak out about everything. Things go bad. Like I had a dream that my picture frame I had to enter the next day was dropped by my youth pastor and it could not be enter in to be judged. I was so upset. I had worked so hard. I woke up about to cry. I have had dreams were I mess up a project, I can not go on a certain trip, my boyfriend cheats on me. Things that I know I did good on or trust in. So if you are a worry-wart and also experience bad dreams I recommend not worrying.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Faith. Every Christian knows this word. We have kids named after this very strong word. This is one of the only words to describe how we believe in Jesus. No Christian is complete in God of they do not have the faith to back up their love in him. Faith is trusting, loving, and believing in God is everything he said he is. Jesus says in the Bible (Matthew 17:14-20) "...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'move from here to there' and it will move." God asks for our everything. Having faith, the size of one of the smallest seeds ever, should not be too much to ask from an almighty Savior. God loves us. Have faith and mountains will move. Have the faith to believe in what God has shown and given us. In the name of Jesus.
Other verses to read about faith are: Hebrews 11 (about all the great people of God who had the faith to do his will) and Romans 1:16-17.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

radio stations

There are many different radio stations today. They all provide many different types of music, commercials, and funny comments out the world today. But does anyone ever get something encouraging and positive from what they actually listen to on the radio. I know when I hop in my friends cars it is Hot 96.1 blaring. But when you hop into my car all you will ever hear is Positive, Encouraging K-Love (91.5 in Owensboro). I listen to that station everyday. It has all great Christian artist, good news about what God's people are doing, and no stupid commercials. This station is completely listener supported and it constantly brings people to Jesus. People tell what Jesus has done in their lives and the joy it has brought. This station broadcasts all over the country. It is so cool to know that somewhere is Texas, California, or Virgina are all listening to the same music as me. God has a cool way of doing things. I consider this station to be an awesome God thing. I would challenge you to listen to K-Love everyday for at least a week. It will lift you up and put a smile on your face, I promise.:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Being a Busy Bee

I do not know how many of you have a busy life, but I know I sure do. I was on the run all weekend. Doing this and that. Having a laugh here and there. By the end of it all I was exhausted, but happy to have done almost everything I wanted. Something did not happen as planned, but it still turned out nice. I was glad to enjoy and fun evening on Friday making shirts with "Team Duncan" for the Swim Meet Saturday. Also, staying up late and sleeping over at Morgan's. There was also a nice debate over evolution too. All while being at Wally World picking up shirts, then heading to a basketball game. Then Saturday was getting up early, eating BK, and going to the Swim meet to cheer on the Graham Duncan. On the plus the evening ended with a nice dinner and movie with my wonderful boyfriend for Valentines Day. Then Sunday like every Sunday was Church with very many questions that needed to be answered that morning though. Very successful by the way. Then I had lunch, run over to the hospital to see my friend and baby girl. At last I ended with two alsome small groups with my friends at youth group. All in all the weekend was productive and fun.:) So, if you ever have a busy weekend make the most of it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Silly Thoughts

There are many things that people do today that are just silly! We just have to give them a look that says I cannot believe you said that and just laugh. Well, here is a story about my two friends and how I could not believe they both thought this. Back in Middle School two of my friends (they are blondes) were looking at the same hallway, from the same seats, for the third year in a row. They were contemplating why the birds that fly by the hallway, outside the school, kept disappearing, than reappearing. They began talking about how this could possibly happen. How could a bird just disappear?

 I looked at them with disbelief! I could not believe they were really talking about this. They are both smart, but they both have a flaw of temporary moments lacking commonsense. They looked at me and asked "What?" They did not understand my stunned look. They obviously had no idea what was wrong about their conversation. I looked at both of them and asked "How long have you been going to this school?" They answered 3 years. Then I asked "What room in right next to the cafeteria?", as I pointed in that direction. They said the Orchestra room and that it was built back in 6th grade. I said "Yes, and is there a hallway that leads you to that room?" They said yes.

If you are confused, here is what they were looking at. The hallway was right next to the cafeteria (parallel, side by side, but on the other side). So there was the cafeteria wall with its windows and then the other side of the hallway wall it had its windows. So, when you look out the two windows, then you see the Cafeteria wall, then the other two windows. I looked at them again, because they did not understand. And I finally exclaimed "There is a wall there!" Then explain to them about the hallway and the windows. They looked at each other and suddenly they said together "Ohhhhh, we get it now! Haha.":D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Mornings.

Monday mornings. I really do not like Monday mornings. I stayed up until at least 11:00 or a little later every night on the Weekends. I come to school dreading to learn 1st block, because I know I have to learn. I can barely keep my eyes open in class and all the teachers words start to run together. Monday mornings are always a mess. I am usually running behind, because I slept in and I am always in some easy outfit that anyone can put together. I never plan the night before and I always hope I studied or finished all my work for the next day. I do not mind school usually, but Mondays have something that no other day has. I guess it is only, because it is the beginning of yet another week of school. I wish I could some how find a way to make Monday easier for all students. Maybe someday...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Simple Things.

There are many simple things in life. Most of the time they are the things we take for granted. We do not appreciate the things we love the most either, because these simple things are what we use everyday. Like water, flowers, or the sunshine. I love taking time to thank God for all the little simple things in life. Take a smile for example. I love to smile, but watching others smile really makes me happy. I love to see others enjoying life. I love to see joy on others faces. Sometimes I do take this for granted in that the world goes through some much chaos. There is so much hurt, destruction, and hardships now-a-days that we can not look past the pain to try to smile. We have been given exceptional life in God. He has blessed us with many amazing things. So the next time you see someone smile or you are having a bad day. Just remember that God loves you and he made some amazing things just for you.:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fine Arts Competition

"Kaitlin, you represent everyone at Kaio Youth Group. No pressure..." Pastor Josh. This year I am a loner. I am on my own. The only teenager in my Youth Group attending the this year's Fine Arts ccompetition. For most of you who do not know what the Fine Arts ccompetition is all about here is a summary. It is where teenagers (and some college students) enter into different categories and show their different talents. Example: Michelle wrote a poem, Melissa wrote a song, and I did photography last year. This year I am doing photography again, but what is so new this year is I am doing a Human Video Solo. That is where you are doing a solo drama to music with no speaking, just acting. You use your body and expressions to show what/who you are portraying. I am excited, but I also have never done a Human Video all by myself. I have always been in a group of 8- 10. I am usually nervous anyway, but this year is different. I do not have very many people to cheer me on or tell me everything will be fine, that I will do fine. I am showing my talents for the ministry of God. God gave me my talents to use for his glory and that is what I will be doing. You are also judged so you can go onto the next round. I am sharping and improving my skills every year I participate. This year will be different, but I will ready.:)
Examples of Human Video Solos:

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Creation Museum

Alright, this weekend I attended a 34 person group to the Creation Museum. Let me say it was AMAZING! I knew a little bit about what was going to be there, but I had no idea how cool it was going to be. This museum is not any museum. It is a God based building all about God's creation in the first 6 days. Also, it has Noah's Ark and information about the dinosaurs. I had questions answered and saw some of the Bible come to life. It was kind of surreal to see it all in front of me. The design and creation of this place was done by some Disney designers. I have been to Disney World and can see how the creation is the same. There were movies there, animation, and real looking scenes from the Bible times. It shows all the good things God has made. The biological insides not everyone knows and the scientific info. that could make your mind explode. I went with the children's church as an adult supervisor. It was a lot of fun, because I got to talk to the kids and interact with them. I helped teach them and show them things they may have no realized. I like working with kids and this museum is a good way to show kids what God did for us. We can see how God created us and the world we live in. It is an awesome place, I can not wait to go back and see it again.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

what do you smell like?

A long time ago, or maybe like the 5th grade I discovered I have a pretty good sniffer. I have come to conclude that after smelling many different things in my life, up to the point, I can usually tell what they are. I know how to describe a smell too. I can tell you what I think a mystery smell might be. When I like the way something smells I always comment on it, or the person wearing it. When I give people hugs is when I usually tell people they smell good. I know it may sound weird to do that, but I like good smelling things. I like to walk into a classroom, or a store and smell the different smells. I really like going to Bath and Body Works to smell all their different lotions and body washes. I get a gift card there every year for Christmas, because my family knows I change the way I smell all the time. I have many different kinds of smells in my room that I use for the year. I like to smell different things. So... what do you smell like?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Being criticized is not as bad as some people make it seem. Every year I go to a Christian competition and compete with my youth group Drama Team. They have papers to score us and they usually leave us critics that should helps us later on as we improve for the next level. We like to take this as friendly advice. Or sometimes if I get a bad grade on an essay my teachers leave their remarks telling me what they liked, or leave comments saying what I need to do better at. I also take this as friendly advice, something I can build on. I like to know there are people who are nice enough to tell me when something I do is wrong. I call that accountability. This word has gotten me through a lot in the last few years. I do not know what I would do with out the criticism of my accountability. Criticism can only be harsh if you let it offend you. Take it like I do, as friendly advice where there is always room for improvement. But do not criticize if you do not want other to criticize you back.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Days...

Snow Days a.k.a. Make-Up Days. You like the break, but the dreaded days that come after school ends you have to make-up. I like the snow, I like taking a day off, but not making them up later. Why add them to the end? Why not use the days we are supposed to use as make-up days? Or take away other days? I like the snow, I like taking a day off, but not making them up later. I love the summer time. It is my favorite season! I like laying in the sun, swimming in the pool, and staying up late under the stars. Summer days are amazing and snow days are boring. I like being lazy one day in a row, but too many days things start to get on my nerves. I like snow, I like taking a day off, but not making them up later. If anybody has an idea of making a snow day better leave a post, thanks.:)

Friday, January 7, 2011

College (dun, dun,dunnnn!)

Yes, I put that as my blog title. College, the doom that lies ahead for all High Schools students. We worry all the time about where we will go and what we will do. I personally have no idea yet. I know. I know. I am a junior and I still have not figured out everything. I still am trying to figure out what I like to do most in life. Do I want to take my hobbies like photography and human videos and make a career out of them. Or do I want to go the route on of my interest in Psycology and English to lead me to a bright future. Either way I see it, I have to figure out something, it is the matter of when. I think God has this almighty plan to make me wait and then he will spring in upon me. I have a heart to help people, but there are many things I could do to fulfill that part of my life. Who knows what or where I might end up. All I really know is God has the plan and all I have to do it follow. College is waiting and I have a year to figure it out. But I'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

this is the year....

This is the year....the year I will finally do all the goals I had ever set for myself. I made a dedication to really make sure they are all fulfilled. I really want to make this year different. I plan to have things figured out for the new year I am about to start. I will be a senior this year...I want to be ready. I plan to have one amazing year!:) I want to accomplish and learn as much as I can. There are some many opportunities for me to explore. I can wait to start off the new and exciting year that lays before me. This is the year....things will change for me. I will not let anything stand in the way of everything I was created for. God made me for an almighty purpose. I will worship and honor the King of Kings. This is the year....this is my year.