Monday, February 21, 2011


Faith. Every Christian knows this word. We have kids named after this very strong word. This is one of the only words to describe how we believe in Jesus. No Christian is complete in God of they do not have the faith to back up their love in him. Faith is trusting, loving, and believing in God is everything he said he is. Jesus says in the Bible (Matthew 17:14-20) "...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'move from here to there' and it will move." God asks for our everything. Having faith, the size of one of the smallest seeds ever, should not be too much to ask from an almighty Savior. God loves us. Have faith and mountains will move. Have the faith to believe in what God has shown and given us. In the name of Jesus.
Other verses to read about faith are: Hebrews 11 (about all the great people of God who had the faith to do his will) and Romans 1:16-17.

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