Christmas Presents is what most people think the Christmas season is all about. There is hustle and bustle, long lines and high prices. But everyone wants to give and receive that PERFECT gift! We spend all this money and time trying to get the right gift and a super great price, but why so all that when the greatest gift of all is knowing that someone cares about you. Through my years I have learned not only the value of the dollar, but also how much people care about me. Even though someone may not have all the money in the world and can only give a card it is the sweet thought that comes inside that counts. I have given and been given many wonderful and special gifts over the years, but one sticks out in my mind for many reasons. A snow globe that was given to me by my Aunt (mom's sister). I have collected snow globes for quite a while now and have many different kinds. I was probably around 11 or 12 years old that Christmas and my Aunt came all the way from Alabama to see us. It was a special Christmas and she gave me a snow globe that has 2 reindeer inside, snow flakes that you can shake up, and a sparkly bottom. This snow globe does not play music like most, but it has a certain gleam that always makes my smile. She died when I was in 7th grade,which makes this one gift better than most of the others. I loved her very much and miss her too. She will always be with me when I shake snow flakes in that snow globe up. Thank you Aunt Angela for my beautiful snow globe!:)
Hi.:) My name is Kaitlin and as you can read these are some of my thoughts. My thoughts might be random or confusing. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Christmas Presents
Christmas Presents is what most people think the Christmas season is all about. There is hustle and bustle, long lines and high prices. But everyone wants to give and receive that PERFECT gift! We spend all this money and time trying to get the right gift and a super great price, but why so all that when the greatest gift of all is knowing that someone cares about you. Through my years I have learned not only the value of the dollar, but also how much people care about me. Even though someone may not have all the money in the world and can only give a card it is the sweet thought that comes inside that counts. I have given and been given many wonderful and special gifts over the years, but one sticks out in my mind for many reasons. A snow globe that was given to me by my Aunt (mom's sister). I have collected snow globes for quite a while now and have many different kinds. I was probably around 11 or 12 years old that Christmas and my Aunt came all the way from Alabama to see us. It was a special Christmas and she gave me a snow globe that has 2 reindeer inside, snow flakes that you can shake up, and a sparkly bottom. This snow globe does not play music like most, but it has a certain gleam that always makes my smile. She died when I was in 7th grade,which makes this one gift better than most of the others. I loved her very much and miss her too. She will always be with me when I shake snow flakes in that snow globe up. Thank you Aunt Angela for my beautiful snow globe!:)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Rain...the sound of little or big drops of water falling down...down....down to the Earth below. The water cycle keeps the never ending amounts of rain from coming down. Sometimes there is a big rain and can last for days, but other times it may last an hour or two. Rain can put you in a mood sad or depressed, but I like the rain. Raining days are the perfect days for movies, comfortable clothes, and laying around. I also love watching fun Disney movies on raining days. I also, like to sing or dance around. Playing in puddles is also something I like to do on raining days, you may get wet, but it sure is fun (especially with friends). You can also wear your boots, which is always fun, if they are cute. You get a great chance to wear them and carry your umbrella! I love rain! Soooo...when it starts to rain put on some comfortable clothes, picl out your favorite movie, and pull out your umbrella!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thanksgiving at Grandma's House.
Thanksgiving at my Grandma’s House is always fun! Our family comes from 2 different states: Alabama and Kentucky. It is nice to see everyone, especially those from down south. I usually get stuck babysitting the little kids, but that is ok. I like my cousins and we have tons of fun. My Grandma, my mom, and my cousins all cook (or bring food already cooked) for us to eat. Let me tell you there are leftovers that last a WEEK!!! It is insane how much food we have for like 15 people. We have like 3 turkeys and all the side dishes. If you want a taste of everything, you would have to go back 3 times! But every bite is a good as the last, well unless it is pumpkin pie, then the last bit is the best.:) I just love seeing my family. I like getting the opportunity to catch up on all we have been doing and also our plans for the next year. I am thankful and blessed by the wonderful family I have.
The vast unknown…is where the millions of stars meet the millions of galaxies, just floating there… in Space. We know lots of stuff about what surrounds our planet Earth, but we also do not know a lot either. There is SO much we can learn about what is around us. We know the basics about the stars, galaxies, the sun, our solar system, and much more. But what else is out there, beyond our little bit of Space? Does it just go on forever? We may never know... that is why it is still a mystery. Scientist and Astronauts all over the world are trying to understand the worlds around us. I think the whole light- year thing has us held back from going forth to discover ourselves, but robots can! We have sent out many pieces of metal with different functions/ orders. We have found even more than we ever thought, but we still don’t know it all. Someday we may learn the mystery of Space, but for now we will keep on learning.:)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
hugs... what I think when I am sad. "I need a hug", I LOVE hugs! No matter what is going on I can always use a hug.:) People say I give good hugs, but I don't know....I just know I like to give them. Michelle (above) is one of the people that I love to hug! Her and me give hugs all the time, she is one of my Best Friends and is like my sister (except we do not live together). I also like my boyfriend's hugs. He knows also when you need one and make them feel extra special.:) But hugs are a universal thing that happens all the time to show affection. We give hugs to say "Hi", "Bye", "Thanks", and just because we can. People give hugs for different reasons too like when we are sad, happy, or because we just like to give them (like me). You know the free high five shirts, well I need a free hug shirt.:) Go give a Hug today!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
a thankful heart is a happy heart...
I do not know about everyone else, but I grew up and learned all my life lessons from watching Veggie Tales. My friends and I at youth group like to sing all the songs and watch the videos, when we are babysitting in the nursery. The kids may not watch, but we enjoy them.:) I know it may sound weird, but I love Veggie Tales and I am happy someone made them, they show kids the simple lessons/ rules taught in the Bible. When I think of being thankful, I think of Madame Blueberry. She had very nice things, but kept pictures of all the nice things her neighbors had. She was jealous and ungrateful and her helpers tried to tell her to be thankful, but she only wanted nicer things. Then the Stuff Mart came into town...they had stuff and stuff and more stuff! Stuff like "...And if you need refrigerators
To keep extra mashed potatoes
Or a giant air compressor
To blow fruit flies off your dresser
Or a dehydrated strudel
Or a nose ring for your poodle
Or a five pound can of tuna
And some flippers to go scuba
Scuba! Scuba! Scooby-doo-be-doo-ba!
Here we go, scuba! Come on!" - Veggie Tales, Stuff Mart
To keep extra mashed potatoes
Or a giant air compressor
To blow fruit flies off your dresser
Or a dehydrated strudel
Or a nose ring for your poodle
Or a five pound can of tuna
And some flippers to go scuba
Scuba! Scuba! Scooby-doo-be-doo-ba!
Here we go, scuba! Come on!" - Veggie Tales, Stuff Mart
But after going to the Stuff Mart Madame Blueberry learned from 2 little kids that you don't have to have all the nice things to be happy, you just need to be thankful for what you have around are you Thankful for?!?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
happy memories...
Have you ever thought of all the happy things you have or done in life? Well, it may take a little more thinking the older you are. We have stored up all these events are head, all the memories that we loved sharing or something really amazing happened then. But when was the last time you ever thought about them? I mean really thought... I try to think about them all the time, to let the moment come back. I want to remember the things I cherished most now, so I can remember and cherish again later. I know it is really hitting me in the gut right now, because I have 7 seniors in my youth. But 3 (shown above) happen to be my BEST Friends! I still can not believe that things will really be changing after this year. I am the same age as they are, but not the same grade. It really gets me that I will not be moving on with them. I am happy for them, but wish I could go along for the ride. I have known 2 of them for 6 years of my of my life and another about 2. We have shared many different memories that have touched my heart. We have also cried together and do anything in the world for each other. I am very thankful to call them my Best Friends. We share many of the same interest and ideas, but most importantly we love God! I have bulit up many happy memories that will last my lifetime and I am happy there are people I can share them with.:) Thanks for being such great friends and happy memories!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Giving Thanks.
We are a very blessed nation, full of many wonderful and beautiful things. But do we ever take the time to really appreciate what we have? Do we take the time to Thank others for what they have given? I know that sometimes I forget to Thank people for what they have given me or done for me. Like this morning I found that my dad had paid for my gas and did not tell me. I did not ask for it, I did not really need any, but he paid for it because he loves me. Tonight I will be giving him a big hug and a Thank You very much.:) I have been given many things in my life, a house, money, nice clothes/ shoes, etc. I have, through my years, learned to be Thankful for all the many things I have been given or blessed with. God, family, and friends have shown me their love and kindness by giving what they can. So...Thank You Everyone.:)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
faith: David vs. Goliath
Samuel 17: 45 David said to the Philistine (Goliath), "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty..."
Everyone who has ever grown-up in church has heard the story of David and Goliath. It is a classic story that teaches children that with God you can do mighty things, like kill a giant. David was no adult, he was a small boy, probably around High School age. He was no trained fighter or strong man. But David had God to help him defeated the one insulting his God. David had amazing, omniscient power on his side. Because he had so much faith in God protecting him and being by his side the whole way, was David ever able to kill such a giant. If you ever listen to Christian music then you might have heard of Casting Crowns. They are a really good band, who passionately love God in every song. One of their songs is called Voice of Truth (to listen, click link below). It talks about having faith to face the giants of our lives or to be able to trust so fully in God to be able to walk on water like Peter the Disciple did. I hope that one day my faith matches that of David. I thank God for the times he has helped me through the giants of my life. "Have the kind of strength (or faith) is takes to stand before a giant with just a sling and a stone."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Best Halloween Ever!!!!
The best Halloween I ever had... was when I was dressed like Dorothy. I had a neighbor next door who enjoyed making dresses and costumes for girls. She was really good at it too.:) She made my costume that year and it had everything. The blue and white checkered dress, the underlying layers that made it puff out, and the SHOES!!!! I think the real reaon I wanted to be Dorothy so bad was, because I just wanted to red sparkly shoes. I would click them together and watched them shine in the light. Even after Halloween was over I still wore them.:) I even sang "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" as I left people's houses. But the cutest thing what the stuffed animal dog I walked along behind me. Yelling "Come along Toto!" I was too cute for my own good. But I had lots of fun and got tons of candy. I have a picture (somewhere) of my brother and me sitting on the fireplace that year eating our candy. It was a fun Halloween and the best memory I have.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Disney Princess's
Disney Princess's....we all grew up watching the fantasy unfold before our eyes (well...girls did anyway) and loving the sweet moments and beautiful dresses. It is hard to say who might be my favorite...I have seen the movies over and over again. I know them all by heart, but it is hard to say who might be the one I like the best. There is Cinderella who came from humble beginnings and always wanted something more. Then there is Bell who is smart, loves books, has a great singing voice, and has a compassionate heart. There is Snow White who loves nature and knows how to sing to it, she also is the fairest of all in her realm and looked much upon. There is Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) who was cast an evil life and never really knew what there was for her. Some people do not count Jane as a Princess, but I do. She came to a new world and learned to try different/ exciting things. Jasmine who had always known just her father's castle, but learned to know the world around her. Ariel the Little Mermaid who wanted to know her world (the deep, blue ocean) and went out to get it. There is also Mulan and Pocahontas how were very strong women inside and were ready to let everyone know. These women or Princess's are strong, smart, and full of curiosity. They wanted to know more about themselves as well as what was around them. They also found love along them way. These Princess's are role models that many girls follow (like me).:) So who is your favorite?!?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Movies are created for different kinds of entertainment. Comedy, action/ adventure, fiction, chick- flicks, based off books, kid/ family oriented, or scare factor/ suspense. I like movies a lot, I have probably spent most of my time and money on movies. We rent them, go to theaters, read the books, or see all the new versions. Movies can make a mood to a night or make your new favorite list. Movies are a fun pass- time between friends or family. Scary movies always give me nightmares, so it is safe to say I will never go to another one. But I really like chick- flicks, comedies, action, and fiction. I love movies and also rewatching my favorites. I have a lot, but I can tell you about it (forwards and backwards). So ask away...I will supply the movie and you supply the popcorn.:)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Candy, Candy, and Candy!
What is my favorite Candy you ask? That is one BIG question to ask a girl. It is tough to say that I have an Absolute Favorite, but I will say I do have favorites that come and go. Example: The last few months Twix have been the best candy bar ever! But before I had this craving I loved Butterfinger for years. And before that, I loved things with almonds, like a Almond Hershey's bar. Yummmm.:) But I just have a sweet tooth weather it is a Take5 or an Apple (natural sugar), I love it. I will tell you the Black Licorice is the worst candy EVER made. YUCK!:P But every other candy out there I have loved. I will eat anything on my ice- cream or in it for that matter. But since it is October, I will say that new favorite is going to have to be... Almond Joy. I like coconut too. hehe.:D
Happy October.
October is the month
or time of year
where all the creepy things appear.
When we think of Halloween night,
everything is not very bright.
All the ghosts, pirates,
and scarecrows beware.
For October is here
and it's everywhere.
I think of all the times
that I have been scared.
The haunted houses, bats, and blood.
I have seen this all before.
And only in October
can you nervous
all the more.
I learn to walk the halls
without a squeak,
just in case,
that someone might be following me.
I like the night,
but not the dark
or all the slimy things
that leave their mark.
So Happy October
to everyone.:)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Spirit Week!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I have no idea what you might be thinking when I put drama as my title for this post. It could be girls being all dramatic over clothes or a boy, or the drama club, or maybe a song you know talks about people who are dramatic. But it is not any of those forms of drama. The one I am talking about is the Kaio Drama Team at my youth group.:) I have been on the drama team for 2 years and we have made it to Nationals both times. We have had lots of difficult times during practices and have had many fights/ hard discussions. But I have made some really close relationships in my youth group though. Even though things got a little rough, it was all worth it when we would preform for the Glory of God. He has given us the ability to do our routines and has blessed us in what we preform. I love my fellow members. This last year we went to Detroit (where my youth leaders grew up). We were SO plugged in. It was an amazing time of ministry. We got to do a VBS and see some amazing sermons preached. I thank God for getting us there and what we got to do. He is doing a work and soon drama practice will begin again and there will be a new routine, new members, and more Glory for God.
the talented.
You know those kids who are amazing at one specific thing...? Well, I do. I have tons of friends with amazing talents. Like swimming, gymnastics, drawing, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, and academics. I have not find my talent yet... unless you count having a very compassionate heart as a talent. But God has blessed me with something very special and when I find that I will be among the many talented who have accomplished much. I am thankful God has given us so many different talents or gifts to call our own. We can make them as orginal as we want, express ourselves! I definaltely take the time to be different, I do not want people to say there goes Kaitlin the girl who is like everyone else (at least that is what I want people to say). Be an indiviual and use your talents to express yourself. Show people who you are and what you are made of.:)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
the road ahead...
Monday, September 13, 2010
"Do what you love, love what you do, leave the world a better place, and do not pick your nose." Jeff Mallett
So live, laugh, and love life.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"I don't wannna talk about you, like you are not in the room...I wanna look right at you, I wanna sing right to you."
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Friends.:)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Spitting Image.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My family has gone on many trips/ adventures together. We like to spend quality time with each other learning about what one another thinks is fun or exciting. No matter where we go our family is sure to have an amazing time.
Friday, August 13, 2010
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