Monday, September 13, 2010

"Do what you love, love what you do, leave the world a better place, and do not pick your nose." Jeff Mallett

A simple, but real quote. "Do what you love..." we all want to be happy and doing what we love is what makes us happy.:) I like reading, being outside, hanging out at youth group, watching the stars with my boyfriend, helping others, and going on vacations with my family. "..., love what you do..." Doesn't everyone loved what they love to do? Well, in terms of a job or career choice, not everyone might be happy. Some people love where they work and what they are doing there, others do not. But I think it could also mean you should love everything you are doing in life or try to. You know? Love life to the fullest and enjoy the small moments.:) ..., leave the world a better place..." self- explained here. I will explain anyway. I want to leave a mark on this world as being someone who shined Jesuss' love to everyone. To show that I loved my life and everyone in it. I am a blessed girl and am very thankful for many things. To leave the world a better place is to show love and maybe give back. Like to the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, the tired, and the lost. "..., and do not pick your nose." I already have a little brother who has this problem, so please nobody pick your nose unless you have a VERY GOOD reason. Thank you.:)
So live, laugh, and love life.

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