Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Halloween Ever!!!!

The best Halloween I ever had... was when I was dressed like Dorothy. I had a neighbor next door who enjoyed making dresses and costumes for girls. She was really good at it too.:) She made my costume that year and it had everything. The blue and white checkered dress, the underlying layers that made it puff out, and the SHOES!!!! I think the real reaon I wanted to be Dorothy so bad was, because I just wanted to red sparkly shoes. I would click them together and watched them shine in the light. Even after Halloween was over I still wore them.:) I even sang "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" as I left people's houses. But the cutest thing what the stuffed animal dog I walked along behind me. Yelling "Come along Toto!" I was too cute for my own good. But I had lots of fun and got tons of candy. I have a picture (somewhere) of my brother and me sitting on the fireplace that year eating our candy. It was a fun Halloween and the best memory I have.

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