Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Now that I think this should have been my first blog. The first thing I thought about...blogs. Blogs are a way to express yourself, to show the world what you think- good or bad. Some people get into debates over blogs and what has been said and some people start a rally that could change the WORLD!!!! (Seriously, someone could change the world with the most epic, intense blog ever!) but we will have to see if that ever plays out. Maybe one of us could do that someday. Blogs can get complicated or just plain confusing. People can talk about all sorts of things. Ex: friends, family, fun times, boyfriends/girlfriends, dogs, random stuff their friends say (Graham), your lunch, God, silly bands, sports, concerts, wild animals, schools, or anything that happened or means something to you. Blogging could be done also for many different reasons. Ex: to release anger, express your inner feelings, tell some one's secrets, explain an event or joke, or maybe just to tell about you day. Gosh, I never knew how good a blog could actually be or how in ways someone could take something wrong or bad. But it is all in how you blog or in in the hands of the blogger. Well, whoever are my followers keep on blogging.:)

1 comment:

  1. Great writing, Kaitlin! And the pictures are a super addition to each entry! :)
