Saturday, November 6, 2010

happy memories...

Have you ever thought of all the happy things you have or done in life? Well, it may take a little more thinking the older you are. We have stored up all these events are head, all the memories that we loved sharing or something really amazing happened then. But when was the last time you ever thought about them? I mean really thought... I try to think about them all the time, to let the moment come back. I want to remember the things I cherished most now, so I can remember and cherish again later. I know it is really hitting me in the gut right now, because I have 7 seniors in my youth. But 3 (shown above) happen to be my BEST Friends! I still can not believe that things will really be changing after this year. I am the same age as they are, but not the same grade. It really gets me that I will not be moving on with them. I am happy for them, but wish I could go along for the ride. I have known 2 of them for 6 years of my of my life and another about 2. We have shared many different memories that have touched my heart. We have also cried together and do anything in the world for each other. I am very thankful to call them my Best Friends. We share many of the same interest and ideas, but most importantly we love God! I have bulit up many happy memories that will last my lifetime and I am happy there are people I can share them with.:) Thanks for being such great friends and happy memories!

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