Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Giving Thanks.

We are a very blessed nation, full of many wonderful and beautiful things. But do we ever take the time to really appreciate what we have? Do we take the time to Thank others for what they have given? I know that sometimes I forget to Thank people for what they have given me or done for me. Like this morning I found that my dad had paid for my gas and did not tell me. I did not ask for it, I did not really need any, but he paid for it because he loves me. Tonight I will be giving him a big hug and a Thank You very much.:) I have been given many things in my life, a house, money, nice clothes/ shoes, etc. I have, through my years, learned to be Thankful for all the many things I have been given or blessed with. God, family, and friends have shown me their love and kindness by giving what they can. So...Thank You Everyone.:)

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