Thursday, September 23, 2010

the talented.

You know those kids who are amazing at one specific thing...? Well, I do. I have tons of friends with amazing talents. Like swimming, gymnastics, drawing, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, and academics. I have not find my talent yet... unless you count having a very compassionate heart as a talent. But God has blessed me with something very special and when I find that I will be among the many talented who have accomplished much. I am thankful God has given us so many different talents or gifts to call our own. We can make them as orginal as we want, express ourselves! I definaltely take the time to be different, I do not want people to say there goes Kaitlin the girl who is like everyone else (at least that is what I want people to say). Be an indiviual and use your talents to express yourself. Show people who you are and what you are made of.:)

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