Monday, February 21, 2011


Faith. Every Christian knows this word. We have kids named after this very strong word. This is one of the only words to describe how we believe in Jesus. No Christian is complete in God of they do not have the faith to back up their love in him. Faith is trusting, loving, and believing in God is everything he said he is. Jesus says in the Bible (Matthew 17:14-20) "...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'move from here to there' and it will move." God asks for our everything. Having faith, the size of one of the smallest seeds ever, should not be too much to ask from an almighty Savior. God loves us. Have faith and mountains will move. Have the faith to believe in what God has shown and given us. In the name of Jesus.
Other verses to read about faith are: Hebrews 11 (about all the great people of God who had the faith to do his will) and Romans 1:16-17.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

radio stations

There are many different radio stations today. They all provide many different types of music, commercials, and funny comments out the world today. But does anyone ever get something encouraging and positive from what they actually listen to on the radio. I know when I hop in my friends cars it is Hot 96.1 blaring. But when you hop into my car all you will ever hear is Positive, Encouraging K-Love (91.5 in Owensboro). I listen to that station everyday. It has all great Christian artist, good news about what God's people are doing, and no stupid commercials. This station is completely listener supported and it constantly brings people to Jesus. People tell what Jesus has done in their lives and the joy it has brought. This station broadcasts all over the country. It is so cool to know that somewhere is Texas, California, or Virgina are all listening to the same music as me. God has a cool way of doing things. I consider this station to be an awesome God thing. I would challenge you to listen to K-Love everyday for at least a week. It will lift you up and put a smile on your face, I promise.:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Being a Busy Bee

I do not know how many of you have a busy life, but I know I sure do. I was on the run all weekend. Doing this and that. Having a laugh here and there. By the end of it all I was exhausted, but happy to have done almost everything I wanted. Something did not happen as planned, but it still turned out nice. I was glad to enjoy and fun evening on Friday making shirts with "Team Duncan" for the Swim Meet Saturday. Also, staying up late and sleeping over at Morgan's. There was also a nice debate over evolution too. All while being at Wally World picking up shirts, then heading to a basketball game. Then Saturday was getting up early, eating BK, and going to the Swim meet to cheer on the Graham Duncan. On the plus the evening ended with a nice dinner and movie with my wonderful boyfriend for Valentines Day. Then Sunday like every Sunday was Church with very many questions that needed to be answered that morning though. Very successful by the way. Then I had lunch, run over to the hospital to see my friend and baby girl. At last I ended with two alsome small groups with my friends at youth group. All in all the weekend was productive and fun.:) So, if you ever have a busy weekend make the most of it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Silly Thoughts

There are many things that people do today that are just silly! We just have to give them a look that says I cannot believe you said that and just laugh. Well, here is a story about my two friends and how I could not believe they both thought this. Back in Middle School two of my friends (they are blondes) were looking at the same hallway, from the same seats, for the third year in a row. They were contemplating why the birds that fly by the hallway, outside the school, kept disappearing, than reappearing. They began talking about how this could possibly happen. How could a bird just disappear?

 I looked at them with disbelief! I could not believe they were really talking about this. They are both smart, but they both have a flaw of temporary moments lacking commonsense. They looked at me and asked "What?" They did not understand my stunned look. They obviously had no idea what was wrong about their conversation. I looked at both of them and asked "How long have you been going to this school?" They answered 3 years. Then I asked "What room in right next to the cafeteria?", as I pointed in that direction. They said the Orchestra room and that it was built back in 6th grade. I said "Yes, and is there a hallway that leads you to that room?" They said yes.

If you are confused, here is what they were looking at. The hallway was right next to the cafeteria (parallel, side by side, but on the other side). So there was the cafeteria wall with its windows and then the other side of the hallway wall it had its windows. So, when you look out the two windows, then you see the Cafeteria wall, then the other two windows. I looked at them again, because they did not understand. And I finally exclaimed "There is a wall there!" Then explain to them about the hallway and the windows. They looked at each other and suddenly they said together "Ohhhhh, we get it now! Haha.":D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Mornings.

Monday mornings. I really do not like Monday mornings. I stayed up until at least 11:00 or a little later every night on the Weekends. I come to school dreading to learn 1st block, because I know I have to learn. I can barely keep my eyes open in class and all the teachers words start to run together. Monday mornings are always a mess. I am usually running behind, because I slept in and I am always in some easy outfit that anyone can put together. I never plan the night before and I always hope I studied or finished all my work for the next day. I do not mind school usually, but Mondays have something that no other day has. I guess it is only, because it is the beginning of yet another week of school. I wish I could some how find a way to make Monday easier for all students. Maybe someday...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Simple Things.

There are many simple things in life. Most of the time they are the things we take for granted. We do not appreciate the things we love the most either, because these simple things are what we use everyday. Like water, flowers, or the sunshine. I love taking time to thank God for all the little simple things in life. Take a smile for example. I love to smile, but watching others smile really makes me happy. I love to see others enjoying life. I love to see joy on others faces. Sometimes I do take this for granted in that the world goes through some much chaos. There is so much hurt, destruction, and hardships now-a-days that we can not look past the pain to try to smile. We have been given exceptional life in God. He has blessed us with many amazing things. So the next time you see someone smile or you are having a bad day. Just remember that God loves you and he made some amazing things just for you.:)