Monday, September 27, 2010

Spirit Week!

This week is Spirit Week at Apollo High School and for each day we are dressing up to support our football team. We are playing our rivals Daviess County High School this Friday night and everyone is excited to see us win AGAIN. Well, let us start off with what Monday (today) is: Nerd Day. You are to dress like the geeky Daviess County nerd. You can were glasses, your pocket protectors, your big, clunky shoes, and your suspenders. On Tuesday it is: Toga Day. Dress up like a real roman, show off your sandals, your leafy crowns, and your nicely wraped toga. On Wednesday it is: Decades Day. Show off your favorite Decade. Weather it is the 80's, 70's, 60's, or 50's this is the day to wear it.:) So put on your leg warmers, disco hair, and those poodle skirts. AND FINALLY on Thursday it will be an ALL OUT Apollo Class Color Day! Wear your class color and wear it proudly, show that your class is the best. So live on Apollo High School and remember the days of Spirit Week to support our school!:D

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have no idea what you might be thinking when I put drama as my title for this post. It could be girls being all dramatic over clothes or a boy, or the drama club, or maybe a song you know talks about people who are dramatic. But it is not any of those forms of drama. The one I am talking about is the Kaio Drama Team at my youth group.:) I have been on the drama team for 2 years and we have made it to Nationals both times. We have had lots of difficult times during practices and have had many fights/ hard discussions. But I have made some really close relationships in my youth group though. Even though things got a little rough, it was all worth it when we would preform for the Glory of God. He has given us the ability to do our routines and has blessed us in what we preform. I love my fellow members. This last year we went to Detroit (where my youth leaders grew up). We were SO plugged in. It was an amazing time of ministry. We got to do a VBS and see some amazing sermons preached. I thank God for getting us there and what we got to do. He is doing a work and soon drama practice will begin again and there will be a new routine, new members, and more Glory for God.

the talented.

You know those kids who are amazing at one specific thing...? Well, I do. I have tons of friends with amazing talents. Like swimming, gymnastics, drawing, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, and academics. I have not find my talent yet... unless you count having a very compassionate heart as a talent. But God has blessed me with something very special and when I find that I will be among the many talented who have accomplished much. I am thankful God has given us so many different talents or gifts to call our own. We can make them as orginal as we want, express ourselves! I definaltely take the time to be different, I do not want people to say there goes Kaitlin the girl who is like everyone else (at least that is what I want people to say). Be an indiviual and use your talents to express yourself. Show people who you are and what you are made of.:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Everyone can take a photograph, but are you passionate? When I get behind a 40D Canon camera I become very excited, thinking "Yes, this is another opportunity to learn about taking a good, quality picture." I love barrowing my youth pastor's (pictured above with camera I love) and one of my youth leader's cameras. It gives me experience and an excuse to take pictures of people when they are not looking.:) I get to learn about the camera, the techniques, the settings, the lighting, and angles. This also prepares me for when I will receive mine in Christmas. I can not wait!!!! I think I have something for taking pictures of people, because I know what angles and positions that will make a picture perfect. For Fine Arts I not only did drama, but I also decided to enter in to digital photography. I took a picture of my youth pastor and his wife, because the theme was "This Changes Everything". They were expecting a beautiful baby girl.:) Her name is Zoey, but that is beside the point. In one of my earlier blogs under leaders you can see the picture. I made it through Districts and then I went to Nationals with like 300 others kids competing in just my category! I did good, but I am proud of the picture, which is all the matters to me. Now, all I want is to learn more and more...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the road ahead...

Nobody knows what lies ahead, they only can hope they like it. There are things in life you never expect to happen. Espically, the things you always told yourself you would never do or would ever happen to you. There are people you never expect to turn out the way they did and events you never thought might change your life. But things happen. Sometimes you are glad they did and sometimes you are not. I have a friend who I would like to dedicate this to. She is pregnant and will start to go on a hard and long journey of being a mother. She is in High School and has to fight the tough reality of not doing what she used to. Her road will lead her on exciting days full of wonder and joy. And somedays she will be on a road to hard days full of gossip and shame for what she has done. I love her and pray everyday that her life will be special and full of God's glory. She is forgiven and now can live a life for her child. She may have a long journey, but she is not alone. She has God, family, friends, and youth group who will help whenever in need. I pray a blessing on her long road ahead.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Do what you love, love what you do, leave the world a better place, and do not pick your nose." Jeff Mallett

A simple, but real quote. "Do what you love..." we all want to be happy and doing what we love is what makes us happy.:) I like reading, being outside, hanging out at youth group, watching the stars with my boyfriend, helping others, and going on vacations with my family. "..., love what you do..." Doesn't everyone loved what they love to do? Well, in terms of a job or career choice, not everyone might be happy. Some people love where they work and what they are doing there, others do not. But I think it could also mean you should love everything you are doing in life or try to. You know? Love life to the fullest and enjoy the small moments.:) ..., leave the world a better place..." self- explained here. I will explain anyway. I want to leave a mark on this world as being someone who shined Jesuss' love to everyone. To show that I loved my life and everyone in it. I am a blessed girl and am very thankful for many things. To leave the world a better place is to show love and maybe give back. Like to the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, the tired, and the lost. "..., and do not pick your nose." I already have a little brother who has this problem, so please nobody pick your nose unless you have a VERY GOOD reason. Thank you.:)
So live, laugh, and love life.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"I don't wannna talk about you, like you are not in the room...I wanna look right at you, I wanna sing right to you."

This song is called "Relent". My youth group sang it last night at church and it really got me. When I sang the words you could feel God saying that I don't want to be talked about like I do not exist, do not do that to me Kaitlin. Do not let me not exist in your life. We should be able to look at God and sing right to him, like it does not even matter. God is always always there for you no matter what you are going through. God wants to be apart of your life, to walk and talk with you. He loves you and me no matter what. Have you ever had someone talk about you behind you back and you did not know? Well, I am sure that is how God feels when we talk about him, instead of to his face like we love him. Take the time and think (like I did) about how God is in or not in your life...Do you want to talk to him or about him?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Now that I think this should have been my first blog. The first thing I thought about...blogs. Blogs are a way to express yourself, to show the world what you think- good or bad. Some people get into debates over blogs and what has been said and some people start a rally that could change the WORLD!!!! (Seriously, someone could change the world with the most epic, intense blog ever!) but we will have to see if that ever plays out. Maybe one of us could do that someday. Blogs can get complicated or just plain confusing. People can talk about all sorts of things. Ex: friends, family, fun times, boyfriends/girlfriends, dogs, random stuff their friends say (Graham), your lunch, God, silly bands, sports, concerts, wild animals, schools, or anything that happened or means something to you. Blogging could be done also for many different reasons. Ex: to release anger, express your inner feelings, tell some one's secrets, explain an event or joke, or maybe just to tell about you day. Gosh, I never knew how good a blog could actually be or how in ways someone could take something wrong or bad. But it is all in how you blog or in in the hands of the blogger. Well, whoever are my followers keep on blogging.:)