Wednesday, March 16, 2011


How do you relax? Well, it may sound a little nerdy, but I read a book or magazine when I am stressed. I am always stressed now a days, because I never get the opportunity to read. I love books. It is my favorite pass time to read. I love fiction, wishing I was inside the book doing everything the characters do. I love to imagine myself as someone else, doing something way more exciting then my life has ever really been. I live in Owensboro for crying out loud. There is nothing to really do here. I have always wanted to travel, to just do something exciting where ever I go. Books are my escape and reason to be everything I am not in reality. I talk to people about books and get excited when someone is about to read a book I have read. It is my exciting adventure. But when I finish the book and have to face reality I feel much better about things. Like everything is more clear. I can look at all sides and situations with the clarity of knowing I can get through it all. Just like the character in my book did. So relaxation is a joy for me in more than one way.:)

Monday, March 14, 2011

To those who are hurting, I send you this poem....

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...
Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light...
The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love. 
Jesus loves everyone. If you ever need someone to talk to he is always there for you. He forgives you of all your sins and cares for all your needs. He wants to be your Father and love you as his child.


Seconds, Minutes, Hours
How the time flies
Days, Weeks, Months
 Where does it all go?
We spend our time
Falling in love, hanging around,
Crying our eyes out,
Making mistakes
And finding who we really are.
 We have friends who help through
The love, pain
Tears, laughter,
And falls.
We pick ourselves up
And do it again
But when we fall we lose time.
We lose the chance to
Actually get it right.
We will keep trying
Till we get it right
When that will be I will
Never know.
It’s a process that no one
Really understands.
Time well fly by
And we will never know where
It really goes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who am I?

All people are looked at in a different light, because everyone has their own opinions of people. I know I try to look at people and try to find the good in them. I want to think everyone is innocent and have good morals/values for their life. I like being around people. But what do people see in me? What do I want people to see? Do people even notice what I like about me? Well, here is a list about just plain old me. What I want to be notice (or liked to be noticed for):
1. That I am nice to everyone.
2. That I care about more others than myself.
3. I love God and his children.
4. I am smart and know more than people think.
5. I have good intentions and a good heart that others can confine in.
6. That I do not just look at one side of the story, but I look at everyones point of view.
7. That I have beautiful long hair and blue eyes.
8. I am a hard worker and always try my best.
9. I stand out in a crowd. I am not like everyone else or do what everyone is doing.
10. That I have fun and love to smile.:)
That is who I think I am, but what do you think?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

icky, sicky bug

I hate being sick. There is nothing more than laying on a bed not being able to move and just moaning throughout the whole afternoon. If I could prevent all kinds of sickness from entering my body I would. Now, I do not get sick very often. I hardly ever go to the nurse or have to visit my doctor. I can usually avoid most illnesses, but not this weekend. I did everything I could to avoid being sick this past weekend. I drank lots of water, got enough sleep, and ate rather healthy. But I could not stop the icky, sicky bug from entering. I tried to fihgt it, but I could do nothing. It was in me and was not about to leave without a fight. I tried to keep it at bay to a least make it through with some sanity, but as the weekend ended my body was done. I could no longer fight it on my own. I layed in bed defeated. Done. Finished. Even though the doctor gave me medicine my body was still in awful place. I was so afrid to move, because of the fear of pain. Your parents try to make it all better, but sometimes there is nothing really they can do. So I waited....and today I can say things are much better. I am a little behind, but that is better than being on my bed at home with that icky, sicky bug.

Friday, March 4, 2011


We all dream. We have different dreams about things like falling off cliffs, people dying, or walking in around in our underwear. When I go to bed I am usually worried about something or waiting for a certain day to come. I have the dreams that always turn out bad. Something always goes wrong in my dreams. They are not so much nightmares, even though I have those too, but they are more like bad predictions. I have good dreams that make me feel good about myself, but most are me being a worry-wart. I usually in my dreams freak out about everything. Things go bad. Like I had a dream that my picture frame I had to enter the next day was dropped by my youth pastor and it could not be enter in to be judged. I was so upset. I had worked so hard. I woke up about to cry. I have had dreams were I mess up a project, I can not go on a certain trip, my boyfriend cheats on me. Things that I know I did good on or trust in. So if you are a worry-wart and also experience bad dreams I recommend not worrying.