Monday, May 9, 2011

What does your name mean?

Everyone wants to know how they got their name or what it means? Well, my name is Kaitlin Elizabeth Bash. My parents picked my first name, because it was different and my mom has always thought it was really pretty. But the spelling is different and that is what my mom wanted. My middle name came from my mom has the same middle as me. My last name, well you know, came from my dad. But what do the names me...Kaitlin means pure from Irish origin. Elizabeth means an oath (promise) of God from Hebrew origins. Bash means forerunner and from African origins. So, I am a pure promise of God who goes ahead or follows of someone. Sound like me??? I sure don't know. I think it is cool to know what your name means. Like God showed it to your parents and knew what it meant. It is so cool! So, find out what your name means.

When did White Days become Boring?

Here is my schedule for the year...
White Day: Pre-Calculas, Sociology, Spanish 3, and Study Hall
Blue Day: Biology, APUSH, English, and Chours
You are probably thinking why would a high schooler complain about having easy, do nothing classes. Well, White days started out pretty full and productive. But now, I sit there and think of something I could be doing. I finish Math or save it for Study Hall. Then, we do absolutly nothing for Sociology. I don't learn a thing. I wish it was actually made interesting to me. Spanish 3, well if you have it then you understand. I never have homework (which is nice), but I feel like the whole day is a waste of my time. I could actually be doing something. But I never get a break when it comes to Blue days, I don't think I ever will. Right now APUSH is fine. We will be watching movies (productive). But Biology is a wurl wind of stuff to do and English is constantly moving. But it has slowed down with at least all the stuff we have for homework. But I can't be bored. I have to move, read, work, or something to feel like I actually went to school for a reason. Do you know what I mean???

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What happened to the years?

What happened to the years where our lives did not depend on everything we did in or out of school? Can I not just be a kid? Not anymore. I am going to be 18 in a couple days. I will turn into that adult, ending what I know of being a teenagers. I can vote.I can leave and be on my own. No one can legally tell me what to do (even though I will not be doing that). I am on of the old people in my class. I will graduate at 19 while some will still be 17. I have always been that way, ever since 1st grade. I can not explain how it feels to be older than everyone else. I know it is not a huge deal, but I have always been mentally more mature than others. I feel like I get along better with college students than I do with students at school. I like being an older sister to younger students. I guess being older has the benefits of you can say you have already done this or that. But sometimes you feel like you do not belong. Like you are not smart enough or good enough to be in your grade, so let's put you in a lower grade that you can do alright in. But you learn to fit in, especially after so long. But all the years I have been in school, so many things have changed. I can believe how different everything and everyone is. It is hard to wrap my mind around the thought that I am about to be an adult and yet being a teenager was only so long ago. We always dream about of future and what we are going to do in life. We prepare and take all measures to make sure the future is set out how we want it. But now all I want is to relive all my young years again. To be a kid.


Humans, we all have feelings. We all deal with them differently too. I know that I have friends who express them like a waterfall, or take them out through their actions. But I personally hide them. I hide them very well too. But sometimes I can let them all out and everyone will have to know I have something wrong. So, I encourage others to tell what is on their mind. Write it out, yell, or talk to yourself. These things work. Express yourself, you do not have to your feelings when people want to know and help. Get an accountability partner who will get you through. Feelings are hard to express sometimes, but you can do it. Just talk, tell what you feel. If you do not know quite yet, just talking about the situation can help you figure out what you feel. So do not be shy, try it out.