Tuesday, August 31, 2010


They leaders I most admire in my life are probably my youth pastor and his wife. They are great role models and challenge me with my walk with God. They have shown me a lot; like how to act like a family, how to respond to others, and how to grow as a teenager to find my fire for God. I know God has placed them in my life to help me grow and learn from them. I do not know what a teenager I would be if I did not have them to motivated me in many big steps of my life. I thank them and are grateful for their love and compassion they have for me. God put a place for them and I was found along with it.:) My youth leaders are the best!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Friends.:)

Friendship is a powerful gift. I love my friends! They have given me very much in return for the realtionship we have.:) It is a wonderful gift to have a friend in someone. You can talk to about whatever and love you even though you messed up. They laugh at everything you say and tell you all the important truths about yourself. I have found amazing friends who haved helped me in al the bad times and in all the good times too. A great friends is the one who will ALWAYS be there no matter what comes your's or there way. I know I have tried to be the greatest friend, but sometimes I fail, but I ask to be forgiven and move on. I learn to be a better friend. I thank my friends for being there when I need them or just want to talk. What a gift God has blessed me with!:)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Spitting Image.

Who do I resemble? Who do I act more like? Who is like me in many ways? Most peoeple say I am like my mom, but I disagree most of the time. How can you be like the person you agrue with the most? My dad and me like the same things like watching storms, roller coasters, and carmel candy. yumm.:) My mom and me share more of looks and body shape. Every says I look just like my mom. I will grow to be a mini her, but I do not think so. We argue about tons of stuff and maybe that is a mother daughter thing, but who knows. I love both my parents, but to say who I am most like. I can not choose. Maybe we have a little of all our family members in us. I have my grandfather's blue eyes, my grandmother's compassionate heart, my cousin's fun personality, my mom's hair, and my dad's love for adventure. Who can say we are more like one.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


      Wow! You just asked me about my family?!? Haha. We are a fun, sarcastic family. We love each other very much, but our favorite past time is to pick at each other. We have learned to take a comment and fire one right back. It can be loads of fun, but if someone who does not know my family probably thinks we are so mean! Haha. Nobody has any idea just how much fun we have with each other. Some people, like my friends and boyfriend, know how much fun we have and sometimes they join in.:)
     My family has gone on many trips/ adventures together. We like to spend quality time with each other learning about what one another thinks is fun or exciting. No matter where we go our family is sure to have an amazing time.

Friday, August 13, 2010


What is summer?!? Is it a time to relax, chill, or just have fun? Or is it all about getting prepared for the new school year? I had an amazing summer with 3 vacations.:) I went to different states, did different activities, and was with different people. The experiences of the summer months are the best, where you can just be free. But in all reality I do believe summer is to get ready and prepare for the new year ahead. Yes you can relax and take time for yourself and family during the summer, but in the back of your head you are thinking about school. I know I do. I get my mind ready to learn, to think, and to comprehend all the new things I will take in. I like school, I learn so much and meet lots of new people. I have always liked my schools and most of my teachers. But summer will always be, to me, a relaxing time and a time to get my mind ready for the new school year.